I first met Kase and Paige, moments after yelling and hollering at them from the bottom of the stairs. A very irregular way of meeting a couple of strangers, yes. But they had just unwrapped from a tight embrace, full of tears. But it was necessary, as she had a little weight on her left […]

Oct 11, 2016

open post

Lindsey and Paul had such a perfect and wonderful wedding day. I have been looking forward to this one for a while, as since we met and accomplished some awesome engagement photos, I felt like they were one of the most perfect pairs ever, super sweet people, and just so fun to be with! You […]

Sep 29, 2016

open post

Stephen and Kelsey couldn’t have asked for a better day to have been married. The weather was perfect. Spirits were high. Emotions were exposed. It was all so wonderful! They were blessed to have an outdoor wedding on the beautiful grounds of The Barnes Place in Adel. Kelsey had a smile on her face the […]

Sep 9, 2016

open post

It takes some pretty amazing people to be brave enough to host their own wedding, at their own home. This one though, was extremely way more stunning then I imagined. I am a total fan of intimate wedding days that are personalized as much as possible, so I was pretty ecstatic when Allie and Stan […]

Aug 26, 2016

open post

WHERE do I even begin? Jake and Hannah are beautiful people. Ever since we met, I knew this was a wedding to look forward to. After the blast we had during their engagement session last fall, I was just that more thrilled to be able to document their first day of forever together. Jake and […]

Aug 23, 2016

open post

the list

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