It has been such a joy getting to know Kyle and Emily over the past year and capture some great memories for them! When you train to accomplish a half marathon, which many native Iowans love devoting their time and sweat to, you imagine and expect to feel a bit of a life change in yourself […]

Aug 2, 2017

open post

When I first met these two, we sat at Starbucks in Ames and talked QUITE a while. Actually….Kim and I were the only ones chatting for about an hour before Tanner got off work and exhaustedly drug himself to our table. The poor guy, completely beat from his day, committed to his duties as fiance […]

Jul 22, 2017

open post

I believe the first thing I thought of Susan and Michael was how much they actually look like siblings. And I honestly believe they are a match made in heaven. Most couples start to look like each other maybe five years down the road? But it is very evident that these two are completely best […]

Jul 9, 2017

open post

Even on a rainy and surprisingly cold spring day, all spirits were high and excitement was growing because everyone has been WAITING for them to get to this point in life together. No rainy day could tear it down, and with so many family and friends around, how could it? I had the priviledge of starting my […]

May 18, 2017

open post

2016 was a huge year in my photography business, and SOO memorable! I have been blessed with the sweetest couples all around, and each wedding this year has been a blast and ones to not forget in any short time. A good handful of these couples hadn’t even met me before the wedding, and the […]

Feb 13, 2017

open post

the list

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